Ceria calibration
- In tomo mode, find the ceria sample and position in the centre of the beam
- Switch to ff mode
- A good beam size is 0.25 mm x 0.25 mm
- Umv ome 0
sync_ct [number of frames] [exposure time in s]
- check rings
- Typically do 2 frames, start with 3 s. If not enough signal at 0 attenuation, try longer.
- Typically get max ~10000 ADU/pixel in central rings. There should be no saturation.
umv ome 180
sync_ct [same # of frames] [same exposure time]
- Take darks:
sync_ct [same # of frames] [same exposure time] darkfield
Multi-ruby calibration
- In tomo mode, get all 3 rubies into the beam on nf camera: find top of pedestal (embedded in the resin) and then move ramsz 0.525 mm down
locating off the platen (better at higher energies): rubies are 1.035 mm above the platen
- A good beam size is 0.6 mm tall, 3 mm wide
Slew_ome 0 10 40 0.25
or slew_ome 0 40 160 0.25
to check whether attenuation is good – NB will not see rings on ff detector! Just isolated spots along the ring arcs. Bright spots in central rings will have some saturation. A bit of saturation per spot is okay.
atten [attenuation length]
- check here for guide values for attenuation length
- Then
slew_ome 0 360 1440 0.25
for the real deal